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Sony Camera Information

How to connect the SONY FCB camera block to the computer for command operation?

Recently, a technical engineer from Shenzhen Xuanzhan Technology Co., Ltd. saw on the Internet that someone asked how to modify the baud rate of SONY FCB camera block, and the answer was about how to modify the baud rate of computer serial port, so the answer was wrong. In fact, SONY FCB camera block parameter Settings are mostly the same, and are SONY VISCA protocol. However, the corresponding functions of each camera model are different, and its parameter Settings are different. Now this small edition here to do a simple explanation of the answer.


How to connect the SONY FCB camera block to the computer for command operation? - Sony Camera Information - 1


To understand how to modify the parameters of the SONY FCB camera block, follow the following steps:

1. Understand the official agreement of SONY corresponding to this model.

2. A video signal decoding board for the SONY FCB camera block (232 communication interface required) is required, and the image can be displayed on the monitor through cable connection. If SONY provides professional DOMO debugging board better.

3. You need a computer with a COM port or a data cable with a USB to 232 serial port.

4. Connect the SONY FCB camera block to the video signal decoding board. The COM port of the computer is connected to the 232 communication interface of the decoding board. The common power supply is DC12V.

5. Run the serial Assistant (this is a serial debugging software) in the computer, select the port: COM1, COM2, COM3… Baud rate: 9600, 19200, 38400 (Default value for FCB series cameras: 9600) Data bit :8 Parity bit: None Stop bit :1 After these parameters are set, you can communicate with the camera. For example, if 81 01 04 07 25 FF is sent, the camera lens is in retraction motion and the image in the display is growing larger. If 81 01 04 07 00 FF is sent, the camera lens stops moving. If 81 01 04 07 35 FF is sent, the camera lens is moving outward and the image in the display is shrinking.

6. How much do you want to change the baud rate? Yes, send 81 01 04 24 00 00 00 FF and change the baud rate to 9600. 81 01 04 24 00 00 01 FF is changing the baud rate to 19200. 81 01 04 24 00 00 02 FF is changing the baud rate to 38400.



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