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Sony Camera Information

FCB-EV9520L new function: low latency mode

Low latency mode refers to using specific settings in the camera to reduce image processing time .


In low-latency mode, the camera module processes the image at the fastest transmission speed and outputs the image immediately to achieve image output with smaller delay .

Before understanding low latency, you need to understand the processing principles of camera video images . We will sort it out for you :

The sunlight reflected by the object enters the image sensor through refraction of the lens, and the sensor converts the intensity and color of the light into electrical signals .


Because this electrical signal is very weak , it needs to be amplified. During amplification, the noise signal is also amplified at the same time, so it needs to be processed at this time, and this processing is completed by the ISP image processing chip .


Because video images are endless, and some effects require the synthesis of multiple frames, the camera has a cache. Part of the images and videos are first placed in the cache and processed later. In particular, wide dynamic range is obtained by synthesizing two or three frames.


The low-latency mode is to turn off the cache function , so that the image does not stay in each process, and is directly processed and output , thereby achieving the purpose of reducing latency.


No low-latency mode in the settings of the FCB-CV7520 . Due to the development of the industry and customer requirements, the Sony FCB-EV9520L has newly opened a low-latency mode for customers to choose.

What advantages and disadvantages can this new feature bring to users ?


FCB-EV9520L low latency mode

Today the editor will tell you:


Common strategies for optimizing delay for various cameras

01 encoding settings

Camera modules can choose to use more efficient encoding algorithms to reduce image data transmission volume and processing time. For example, using H.264 or H.265 encoding can provide lower latency.


02 Image processing settings

Camera modules can reduce the complexity of image processing algorithms to reduce processing time and delays. For example, reducing processing steps such as image enhancement and noise filtering to reduce latency.


03 Data transmission settings

Camera modules can reduce data transmission delays and packet loss rates by optimizing data transmission protocols and network connections. For example, use a lower compression ratio, increase bandwidth, or optimize network transmission settings.


04 Change different video display modes

HD-SDI, HDMI, USB, IP, HD- BasT and other display modes. Among these display modes, HD-SDI and HDMI have no delay in theory, and USB and HD- BasT , the IP network has higher latency.


Pros and Cons of Low Latency Mode

Turn on the low-latency mode of the FCB-EV9520L , the camera delay can be reduced by one frame, that is, the delay can be reduced by about 15-30 milliseconds, which means that the real-time nature of image transmission will be more well, users can see live footage faster.

This is very useful for application scenarios that require high real-time performance , such as real-time monitoring, video live broadcast, drone aerial photography, etc. However, it should be noted that the delay in the specific use process not only refers to the delay of the front end of the camera, but also the delay of the intermediate transmission and the delay of the image displayed on the receiving end .


While the FCB-EV9520L high-definition camera core module achieves low-latency mode, due to cache access restrictions, some functions of the camera will be restricted.


Specific restricted functions include:

01 Digital zoom

In low-latency mode, the digital zoom function of the FCB-EV9520L high-definition camera core module may not be available, and only optical zoom can be used.


02 Image stabilization

Image stabilization in low-latency mode cannot be enabled due to the additional image processing and calculations required .


03 Wide dynamic range (WDR)

The WDR function requires multi-frame image synthesis and processing, which cannot be achieved in low-latency mode.


04 Distortion and vignetting correction

These functions involve correction and correction of images and are not available in low-latency mode.


05 Center point correction

Center point correction is a function that corrects images and cannot be enabled in low-latency mode.


06 3D noise reduction

3D noise reduction is an image processing technology and cannot be used in low-latency mode, but the 2D noise reduction function can be used normally.

It should be noted that the above restrictions only apply in low-latency mode . If you need to use these functions, you can choose to disable low-latency mode.


Application areas of low latency mode

FCB-EV9520L is very important for applications that require real-time feedback and quick response , such as remote monitoring, drone navigation, robot control, etc. By reducing transmission and processing latency, low-latency mode can improve application response speed and real-time performance .


Application areas of low latency mode


01 Remote monitoring

The low-latency mode of FCB-EV9520L can reduce delays during video transmission, improve the real-time nature of surveillance images, and facilitate users to monitor the security status of remote locations in real time.


02 Video conference

The low-latency mode of FCB-EV9520L can ensure the smooth progress of video conferences and improve the real-time communication effect between participants.


03 Drone aerial photography

The low-latency mode of FCB-EV9520L can reduce video transmission delays, improve the real-time nature of drone aerial footage, and facilitate operators to view aerial footage in real time.


04 Robot control

By turning on low-latency mode, the robot can receive real-time images transmitted by the camera faster, allowing it to make more timely responses and decisions. This is important for robotic applications that require real-time perception of the environment, rapid movement, or obstacle avoidance.

It should be noted that although the low-latency mode of FCB-EV9520L can reduce the delay in image transmission and processing , it may also affect image quality and details. Therefore, when selecting a low-latency mode, trade-offs and adjustments need to be made based on specific application requirements to obtain the best real-time performance and image quality.


Low-latency mode is a new function of FCB-EV9520L , and it is also the first time that SONY adopts it on FCB camera products. Compared with FCB-EV/CV7520 , it can quickly turn on low-latency mode by sending instructions , which is suitable for real-time video transmission. and monitoring situations, it can provide better user experience and effects.





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