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Qingming|Fine rain sends lovesickness, don’t forget the way you came

Qingming Festival is also called Outing Festival, Xingqing Festival, March Festival, Ancestor Worship Festival, Tomb Sweeping Day ,etc. It is the fifth solar term among the twenty-four solar terms in our country. It is also the only solar term among the twenty-four solar terms that is both a solar term and a festival.


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The Qingming Festival gets its name because during the festival, “the air is clear, the scenery is bright, and everything appears.” Qingming is a solar term that reflects the phenological changes in nature. At this time, the sun is shining brightly, vegetation is budding, flowers are blooming, and nature presents a vibrant scene.


During the Qingming Festival, the drizzle falls gently over the treetops and falls on the ground, evoking people’s memories and longing for the past.


Qingming Festival is also one of the traditional Chinese festivals. It is also a day of remembrance, memorial, remembering and gratitude.


The drizzle conveys lovesickness, which is a deep emotion. Just like the rain moistens the earth, it also nourishes the softness and touch in people’s hearts. On this special day, the feeling of longing arises spontaneously, as if those who have passed away are around, feeling the drizzle with us. They may be gone long ago, but their love and care will always remain in our hearts.


Not forgetting where we came from is to review and cherish the past years. Everyone has their own growth process and story, and every journey carries our sweat and tears. At this special moment of Qingming Festival, we might as well stop, look back on the past, and realize the true meaning of life. Whether it is joy or pain, they are an indispensable part of life, and they are the nutrients and strength for our growth.


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Tomb Sweeping Day is a day full of respect and gratitude. With a grateful heart, let us pay homage to our deceased relatives, friends and heroes who dedicated their lives to the country and the people, and thank them for the love, care and dedication they have given.


May Qingming Festival allow us to remember the past, love the present, take responsibility for the future, and let love and gratitude be passed down forever.



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